Thursday, October 23, 2008

We recently had Saige and Hayden's pics taken.....and I love them!

Daddy's Little Girl!


Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

Yay!!! I am so excited that you updated! I love the pictures they look cute. Thanks for letting me do them for you. Love ya sis

Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

PS. you need to change Jason and Sarinah's blog address on your side bar. It goes to there old one. If you need it just go to mine. Just thought I would let you know. again I am excited that your back to blogging:)

The Andersons said...

ABOUT FRIKIN TIME! I WAS TIRED OF TRAVIS GIVING YOU BACKRUBS!!! SINCE JUNE OF LAST YEAR!!!! your kids are amazingly gorgeous!!!! goodness. love it.

Beverly said...

Jenny--I had to pop in from Amanda's blog--hope that is okay. Just had to say I love, love your pictures. You make adorable children!