I've never really liked Valentines Day, it could be from working at a flower shop for 4 years and then working with my mom doing flowers every year after that. What ever it is I have just never felt that you needed 1 day a year to say I love you.... I think the people you love should always know that you love them and don't need to be reassured by receiving flowers or chocolates on 1 day.
I know Trav loves me and vica versa. He shows me everyday in the little things he does for me, picking up the toys in the front room knowing that Hayden is just going to dump them back out in 5 mins., washing the dishes, helping me every morning with getting the kids ready and off for the day, even though he is dead tired for working a long night. Helping me get to bed early when he knows I've had a hard day, letting me put my cold feet on his warm legs at night to help me warm up, making me smile when I don't want to, working very hard at his job so we can provide for our children, the list can go on.... but it's the little things that we do everyday that show someone how much you love them.
Instead of having 1 valentines day and doing something big to say I love you, we all should have 365 days of doing small things to let them know how special and important they are.
Trav, Thank you so much for all the little things you do for me each day, I love you, Happy Valentines Day!
1 comment:
What a sweet post! And a cute picture of you & Travis.
(I feel the same way about Valentines Day.)
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