Halloween this year was not the funnest, but we tried to make the best of it. Monday night before Halloween Saige came down with the Swine flu...Yuck. She has such a high temperature that would not break, poor little thing she was devastated that she could not go to school as it was red ribbon week and the week of Halloween. The Dr. said that she couldn't go back to school until she had been 24 hours with out a fever. Lucky for her it broke late Wednesday night and she was fever free all of Thursday, so against my better judgement I let her go to school on Friday for the Halloween parade, she was so happy and she hasn't had a fever flare up again, however it left her with a horrible cough.
Wednesday night I came down with it and Thursday night Hayden got it. Travis is so lucky I wish all of us had an immune system like his, he never gets sick (knock on wood. We always carve pumpkins a few nights prior but since we all felt like crap I didn't want to, Travis however talked me into it Friday night. I'm so glad he talked me into it, event though it completely drained me it's always been a tradition of ours and I love doing it and my kids love it. They turned out so great this year!

Hayden picked the castle, Saige did the Mummy, I picked the Witch and Travis of course has to pick the hardest design the scarecrow

Because we weren't feeling well it took so long to get them done, but we did it and Hayden and I crashed afterwords.
Halloween morning we all woke up feeling ok, not feeling great but better than we had. Grandma and Grandpa Harris called and asked us to just try and come to at least their house, I don't really like the thought of spreading this illness but I'm not 100% that Hayden and I had the same thing Saige had as we didn't have as severe a fever as she did. So again against my better judgement we went to trick or treating to Grandma's & Grandpa's. Both kids were so excited to just get out of the house.
Saige was a Geisha girl and Hayden was of course Buzz light Year!

Hopefully we didn't spread the H1N1 to anyone else. I hope I don't ever have sick kids or myself be sick on Halloween again it is not a good one to be sick on.